Cleenland Community Connections binder

We love meeting all the cool people who shop at Cleenland and we thought maybe you’d like to as well! To that end, we bring you: the Cleenland Community Connections binder. An experiment for the transition from hibernation season to a time when we’re all maybe a bit more interested in making some new connections out in the world. We’ll keep it going through the summer at least and see how it goes. Use this resource to find love, friendship, language partners, protest buddies, whatever type of connection you’re seeking! Here’s how:

Get in the binder!

1. Grab a blank sheet from behind the BLANKS tab and fill it out.

2. Ask a Cleenland team member to take your photo (it’s instant!) and tape it to your page.

3. Give your phone number or email (however you’d like to be reached) to a Cleenland team member to keep in our file so we can pass along messages to you from your admirers. If you want to put your contact info on your page, feel free, but we don’t recommend it.

4. That’s it. You’re in, baby!

Connect with someone in the binder!

1. Consider making a page in the binder yourself :) If you don’t want to, that’s okay — proceed.

2. When you find someone you want to connect with, take a scrap paper from the folder marked NOTES and write a note to your hopefully-new-connection. Be sure to include however you’d like them to get in touch with you — phone, email, social media, etc.

3. Give it to a Cleenland team member and let them know who it’s for — they will pass it along for you!

4. Put vibes into the universe and hope you hear from them :)

FINE PRINT: This is a new thing we’re trying out to help bring the world we want into existence. We live and learn and will appreciate both your patience and your feedback as we figure out the best way to make the right connections in our community. Please participate in the spirit of respect, authenticity, and fun.

Sarah Levy