Monthly Mending WEDNESDAYS at the shop
Good parts of design by Lisa Purdy, design/natural dye/fiber art/mending extraordinaire and wonderful human <3 weird add-on parts by Sarah :)
2/28/24 Update: Monthly Mending Mondays Wednesdays are back on and starting earlier!! Read on for the details.
Hang out once a month and make progress on your mending pile at Cleenland! We find the hardest part of fixing our clothes is actually sitting down to do it. This way, we can be accountable to repairing our stuff, learn/share/improve mending skills, and enjoy each other's company while we're doing it.
When: first WEDNESDAY of the month, 6-8PM ish show up whenever in there!
Where: Cleenland HQ 89A Norfolk Street in Cambridge
We'll bring: needle and thread, fabric scraps for patches, yarn, crochet hooks, mending reference books, some pals with varying levels of mending experience, and lots of encouragement!
You bring: yourself, a garment in need of a little love, and any supplies/knowledge you have to share!
See you then!!